414: Down Periscope [1996] Movie Discussion

Well, this aint our first submarine movie so we’ll dispense with the usual jokes about things being long and hard and full of seamen. Shame this movie doesn’t dispense with the poor humour. You don’t see Kelsey Grammer in movies much, do you? Not unless he’s hairy and blue anyways. Down Periscope is a movie we have all seen before here at Spoiler Filled and we don’t remember a thing about it. And that’s saying something considering it ends with a Village People music video. Enjoy?

241: Lucky [2017] Movie Review

241 Lucky

We’ve watched a few films staring Harry Dean Stanton on the podcast before, but never with him in the lead role. They are few and far between sadly, but i guess we got ‘lucky’ with Jamie’s choice this week. It is the directional debut of prolific ‘that-guy’ actor John Carroll Lynch (look him up, you’ll know him), stars the prolific ‘weird-movie’ director David Lynch (no relation) and even though it has a very simple plot, we still have some difficulty summing it up. Be prepared for unexpected Mariachi singing, runaway tortoises, chain smoking, stoned Liberace and shouting profanities at gardens.

174: SFFCH – Repo Man [1984]

174 Repo Man

Jamie and Rich get their testosterone on this week talking about cars, punks, aliens, vaporisations, conspiracies and midnight movies as they discuss cult sci-fi comedy film Repo Man. Join them as they wonder what happened to Emilio Estevez, plant love and kisses on Harry Dean Stanton, the punk soundtrack, the ‘wackiness’ of it all and trust them to find the Welsh trash-lady reference.

Dir: Alex Cox
Wri: Alex Cox
Cine: Robby Muller
Edi: Dennis Dolan
Mus: Tito Larriva, Steven Hufsteter
Production: Edge City
Cast: Harry Dean Stanton, Emilio Estevez, Tracey Walter, Olivia Barash, Fox Harris
[Ep. 174, Rec 08/2017]