164: SFFCH – East is East

164 East is East

Ah the 70’s. A time of spousal abuse, rape-y dogs and subtle paedophile jokes, at least from the portrait painted by this week film East is East, a British-Asian comedy from 1999. Ant brings this one to the table with the question: how come a film about a Muslim family in the 70’s is the most British film he has seen? So come and join the gang this week as they attempt to answer this, fall over themselves trying to remember the huge casts names and get far more mileage out of the word ‘vagina’ than you thought possible.

[Ep.164, Rec. 05/2017]

163: SFFCH – Lara Croft: Tomb Raider

163 Lara Croft Tomb Raider

Jamie just loves to punish us with video games movies, even though it is a universally accepted FACT that they are all bad. Although, to be fair, he has brought us probably one of the least-worst attempts at adapting one with  ‘archeologist’s nightmare’ Lara Croft: Tomb Raider.  Some of us have nostalgic attachment; some of us don’t, but all of us have a lot to say this time round in a discussion that contains: villainous lounging, Daniel Craig’s atrocious American accent, British ‘comic’ relief, Lara Croft’s absolute perfection, punctuation problems and, of course, those infamous breasts.

[Ep. 163, Rec. 05/2017]

162: SFFCH – Puss in Boots (1988)

162 Puss in Boots

Warning! Enthusiasm levels from the Spoiler Filled Crew are dangerously low at the beginning of this one as we prepare to delve into the magical musical fairy-tale land of Puss in Boots, a Christopher Walken helmed TV movie from 1988. But do not worry as despite the low quality of the film, the conversation quality is high in entertainment. So if you want to hear about illogical magic, unbalanced inheritances, ‘country’ dances, ginger moustaches and how to impress royalty with roadkill then do not hesitate to click that play button.

[EP. 162, Rec. 05/2017]