374: Love and Mercy [2014] Movie Discussion

Oh good, another film biopic of a famous genius musician who has gone through some hardships in their life. “We’ve seen it all before” shouts the Spoiler Filled team expecting another run of the mill, oscar-baiting jukebox musical. But what’s this!? Could it be they’ve found something a little more unique, a little more genuinely surprising, a little more insightful, much like the musical icon which is it’s subject? Tune in to find out!

373: A Chinese Ghost Story [1987] Movie Discussion

This week the gang talk about the historical-horror-comedy-musical? A Chinese Ghost Story. Tune in now to here Rich struggle with concepts in general and weird horror movie rules in particular. There’s also the invention of Welsh icon Bill Shats and potentially the longest discussion about tongues in Spoiler Filled history. Enjoy!

372: The Manhattan Project [1986] Movie Discussion

Well, a film hasn’t confounded us as much as The Manhattan Project in quite a while. A film where John Lithgow’s attempts to get laid lead to the possible nuclear destruction of New York. A film where a child builds a nuclear bomb in a jaunty montage. A film where we are supposed to side with someone who is essentially a domestic terrorist because he is young and ‘sticking it to “The Man”‘. So come and listen to us be bemused and infuriated in equal measures about: terrible laboratory etiquette, glittery shampoo being a substitute for plutonium, remote control car peekaboo hi-jinks, secret C4 dealings between teenagers and the fact that we would totally support our protagonist being shot dead by the military.

371: Hitman [2007] Movie Discussion

Oh no! It’s another video game adaptation. Why do we do this to ourselves? To be honest, we’re just glad to watch Timothy Olyphant playing something other than a grizzled sheriff type. Hitman came out in 2007, to our surprise as it does feel like a 90’s movie, and follows the exploits of Agent 47, the most conspicuous, bald-headed, barcode-tattooed assassin dealing with double crossings, his asexuality, fake Russian Presidents, turning people into bombs and doing all this while forgetting the streak of humour the games do so well.