408: Mud [2012] Movie Discussion

Time to find out who among the Spoiler Filled Crew are true McConaugheads as we take a look at Mud, one of the films that kicked off The McConaissance. So come and listen to us McConalyze this Southern coming-of-age drama and find out: why we’re so McConaccepting about weird nicknames as Welsh people, who gets McConannoyed at the lack of anything happening and who gets dis-McCon-bobulated about their own McContrasting views of the film in our McConextemporanous McCongregation.

407: Giants and Toys a.k.a Kyojin to gangu [1958] Movie Discussion

What shall we have from Japan this time; those crazy, weird and wonderful bunch? What about a beautiful anime? Or a chilling horror film? Or maybe a big, stupid monster movie? I know, what about a satirical drama about the caramel business?! So yeah, we’re going a little out of the box this time with Giants and Toys, a film about post-war Japanese capitalism and manufactured fame, but we’re glad to inform you it’s a little ahead of it’s time for a 1950’s movie and there’s plenty to talk about like: rotten-toothed fashion models, giving away small animals with your confectioneries and the endless cycle of stress-induced ulcers of Japanese businessmen.

406: One False Move [1992] Movie Discussion

We just remembered that Billy Bob Thornton exists and that he’s great at all this acting malarkey whilst also being a very peculiar human being. And he also writes and directs stuff too! So how could we not set our twitchy sights over One False Move from 1992 and see who is the first to flinch. It’s a tense thriller that was much praised at the time, but does the Spoiler Filled Crew get on with this ponderously slow yet surprisingly violent film? Tune in to find out.

405: Krull [1983] Movie Discussion

It’s a right ol’ cult classic is Krull, aye! When you say 80’s Fantasy movie this is definitely one of the first ones to pop into your head. Is that because it’s so well made and entertaining? Is it because it’s iconic? Is it just because of nostalgia? Or is it one of those ‘so-bad-it’s-good’ movies? Well, we aim to discover the answers as we all have different relationships with this movie and we can attack it from all angles.

404: The Family Man [2000] Movie DIscussion

The perfect Christmas movie would definitely have a little bit of ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’, a touch of ‘A Christmas Carol’, a whole heap of unexplainable Crimbo ‘magic’, a smattering of ‘angelic figures’ and finished with a sweet layer of ‘lessons learned’. Throw in Nicolas Cage as a cherry on top and where could you go wrong…?
The Family Man has all the right ingredients to truly be a Christmas classic , but unfortunately something in the mix went stale and rancid and what we ended up with was something nauseating instead of appetizing.

403: The Last Temptation of Christ [1988] Movie Discussion

As Christmas slowly approaches, we here at Spoiler Filled think it’s important to remember what this holiday is truly about. It’s Jesus. In case you were wondering. We’re doing The Last Temptation of Christ. It’s funny because it’s clearly an inappropriate choice for either a Christmas film or a Jesus film. We’re a laugh riot like that, we are. So what if we did this way before Christmas and had no intention of linking it to the holiday and it just so happens to come out now!? It’s jokes, innit! Enjoy the show.

402: Heart and Souls [1993] Movie Discussion

Before he helped Marvel take over the world as Iron Man, Robert Downey Jr had been kicking around Hollywood for a long time. We wanted to go back and see a fresh faced RDJ before the super-stardom and his ‘wilderness years’ shall we say. What we found was Heart and Souls, a supernatural comedy about 4 ghosts from the 1950’s tethered to a boy in order for him to fulfill their unfinished business. Like pretty all movies involving ghosts and a vague afterlife, this movie raises so many more questions than it intends to answer and sets up an interesting premise which it can’t quite pay off. But hey, at least we get to see RDJ pretend to be a black woman pretending to be RDJ!

401: Treasure Island [1990] Movie Discussion

Yar-Har and fiddle-dee-dee me hearties. Welcome to (hopefully) the start of our next batch of 100 discussions here on Spoiler Filled. We kick off on our road to 500 with Treasure Island from 1990, which purports to be the most faithful movie adaptation of the 1883 novel. The question is: is being totally faithful to the book the best move for a movie adaptation (although, who knows because none of us have read it, surprise surprise)? Up for discussion this time: a divisive Charlton Heston performance, an unrecognizable Christopher Lee performance, a ‘pat-on-the-head, didn’t-he-give-it-a-good-try’ Christian Bale performance, apple barrel tension, cheese deals, easily survivable explosions and Oliver Reed really stretching his acting chops by playing an aggressive drunk man.

400: Batman Forever [1995] Movie Discussion – Redux

It finally happened! We delved too greedily and too deep into the pits of moviedom that we ran out of them and awakened a foul beast: The Remake. So, from now on, be prepared for us to just simply re-do out entire catalogue, repeating the same old stuff whilst only adding superfluous nonsense that wasn’t needed the first time. If only we were doing a Disney live-action remake, it would have fit so well…

We’re only pulling your leg dear listener (or are we…). You’d think that after 400 episodes we would be running out of steam and anything to say about these oft obscure, mediocre, mixed tone movies that we call home. Well, we certainly haven’t and, in fact, we’ve even thought of more things to say about them than we would have liked. So just this once we’re gonna take quick trip to our past, right to the beginning in fact and let some of the crew who never had the chance join in on our discussion of Batman Forever and let them praise/eviscerate any aspect that they’ve been waiting a decade for.